Tantra Festival
Mythical Creatures Edition
23rd – 27th July 2025. Kasteel de Berckt, Netherlands
Days of Celebration
International Attendees
Or More Hugs

Tantra Workshops, Biodanza, Yoga, Music
Welcome to the Awaken as Love Tantra Festival in the Netherlands – Our 2025 Festival dates are set!
Imagine a group of wonderful people in a place surrounded by beautiful nature, tasty organic food and some of the best international & national facilitators who would be there to support you to join a 5 day experience in creating more intimacy in yourself, with life and in your relationships. Having a more vibrant and exciting life away from the normal constraints of our lives and minds. Meaningful and truthful, loving and blissful.
An English speaking Festival with a workshop quality, going on a deep journey together, and celebrate! Imagine being held in this field of experiences in the festival, supporting each other and getting tools to take it back into your lives so the changes remain.

Watch What Happens There
This Year’s Theme – “Mythical Creatures“
The transcendental shows up in our lives as pattern breaks, as we temporarily dismantle the rigidity in our lives, that allow unseen potential to emerge from cracks. The Mystical is alive moment to moment if we choose to embrace the gaps between ideas we can find as a raw source of creativity that stimulates our identity to expand,
One of the highlights of the festival will be “Mythical Creatures” – a fun celebration of archetypes, with dance, food and games, You are invited to dress up as any archetype or mythical being as we play out a number of games that are also transcendental in nature.

Am I Welcome?
Yes! We embrace all relationship styles, orientations and ages over 18. Whether you are single —wanting to interact and explore with others— or a couple wishing to deepen your intimacy, the festival is the perfect environment to dive in!

Who is holding it?
The festival is held by James Stevenson (from Awaken as Love) with a team of International Workshop Leaders, Session Givers, Emotional Support Crew, DJs and Performers, Volunteers and Retreat Centre Workers.

Where is it?
The Festival is held at Kasteel de Berckt – an historic castle in Limburg, set in incredible grounds the countryside of the Netherlands with beautiful forests on the doorstep, quality workshop spaces, and healthy vegetarian food.
Main Presenters
We expect quality from our Workshop facilitators and it’s with rare exception that we invite teachers who have not done at least the Stage 1 training program with us – it’s a feather in their cap! That means they walk their talk – they are Integrally informed to a foundational level at least, do their own shadow work, know how to create safe spaces that both transcend and include and have grounding in Integral Tantra which spans multiple wisdom traditions – most importantly they are embodying their wisdom and not just speaking from borrowed knowledge. This is something you can trust.
So what are you waiting for?
You can grab the best prices and the accommodation choices you want now before it changes.